Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Identifying relevant theorists

Gaye Tuchman - Symbolic Annihilation of Women
This misrepresentation of women then results to social disempowerment and categorising women within the subordinate group.

Key Quotes:
"Symbolised as child like adornments who need to be protected or they are dismissed to the protective confines of the home."
“Condemnation of single and working women.”
(Quotes from Tuchman's book 'The Symbolic Annihilation of Women by the Mass Media')

David Gauntlett - Media, Gender and Identity
Gauntlett talks about the media’s influence on how we perceive gender in today’s society compared to the historical representations.

Key Quotes:
"Men were most likely to be seen in authority roles, and were ten times more likely than women to provide dependable voiceover."
"All forms of media, mainstream TV shows and movies to niche websites and fanzines, find their meaning within a social context, as people consume, discuss and interact with them and embed them in their lives."
"Audiences are not only a diverse set of individuals, but that each individual is themselves complex, internally diverse and often somewhat contradictory in their attitudes, tastes and pleasures."

(Quotes from Gauntlett's book called 'Media, Gender and Identity')

Laura Mulvey - Male Gaze, Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema
Men do the looking and women are to be looked at. When we see a shot where a woman is fetishized we are looking through the “male gaze” and eye these women up as if a man is, because that’s the direction of the camera.

Key Quotes:
"Women bear 'the bleeding wound', existing only in relation to castration. When women bear children, these are desires to possess a penis -- the child has submitted to the law of the symbolic order, or '[kept] down with her in the half light of the imaginary' (59). Women thus stand as an Other to males: men live out fantasies and obsessions 'through linguistic command by imposing them' on women (59)."

(Quotes from &

Judith Butler - Gender Trouble, Queer Theory and Performativity (Gender and sex)
Butler looks at how people are 'Gendered' in the media.

Key Quotes:
"Gender reality is performative which means, quite simply, that it is real only to the extent that it is performed"
"Gender cannot be understood as a role which either expresses or disguises an interior 'self,' whether that 'self' is conceived as sexed or not. As performance which is performative, gender is an 'act,' broadly construed, which constructs the social fiction of its own psychological interiority"

(Quotes from & )

Stuart Hall - Representation of Black people in the Media (Cultural Representation)
Stuart Hall is named a Cultural Theorist, who considers how races are portrayed through the media.

Key Quotes:
"The mass media play a crucial role in defining the problems and issues of public concern. They are the main channels of public discourse in our segregated society".
"When blacks appear in the documentary/current affairs part of broadcasting, they are always attached to some 'immigrant issue': they have to be involved in some crisis or drama to become visible actors to the media."
"Culture is said to embody the ‘best that has been thought and said’ in a society."

(Quotes From & 'Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices)

Antonio Gramsci - Hegemony
By hegemony, Gramsci meant the permeation throughout society of an entire system of values, attitudes, beliefs and morality that has the effect of supporting the status quo in power relations. (Controlling /Dominant group, that controls the other minority groups)

Key Quotes:
“Although one can speak of the intellectuals, one cannot speak of the non- intellectuals, because non intellectuals do not exist”

(Quotes from 'Hegemony, Intellectuals and The State)

Nick Lacey - Media Concepts
Lacey looks at Image and Representation, Narrative and Genre and Media Institutions and Audiences.

Key Quotes:
"The internet, in particular, has ‘changed everything’ and is a medium, so it can be studied in the same way as can television or cinema."

(Quotes from )

Richard Dyer - Representation of Gay people in the media

Key Quotes:
"Sometimes we have gone overboard in blaming the mass media—they are only one of the instruments of oppression. More important, we have tended to condemn images of gayness in the name of aesthetic concepts and values that are highly problematic"
"Realism can, within its conventions, show the look of gay life, but it cannot show what it feels and what it means to gay people, nor can it show the social pressures that act on gay people and so produce the look of gay life."

(Quotes from

Marshall McLuhan - The Medium is The Message
Marshall McLuhan was concerned with the observation that we tend to focus on the obvious.


Theodor Adornos - Culture Industry

Adorno - The culture Industry

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