Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Question 5

Consider if your group of people have always been represented in the same way or has it changed over time? Give a full detail including a timeline and accounting for why it may have changed over time.

“149/673 women born between 1968 and 1977 became pregnant when teenagers. Of these, 70 (47%) had the baby, 67 (45%) had a termination and 10 (7%) had a spontaneous miscarriage; 2 others experienced fetal loss. Of the women aged 25-29 at first conception, 127 (92%) had the baby, 6 (4%) had a termination and 5 (4%) had a miscarriage. 40 (27%) of the teenage group went on to have a second teenage pregnancy, including 12 of the 67 who had their first pregnancy terminated”
“In England and Wales at least 94 377 teenagers became pregnant in 1996 and 38% of these pregnancies were terminated”

“The most recent American teen birth rate of approximately 51.1 births per 1,000 adolescent females is consistent with historical trends and matches the 1920 figure. Nonetheless, since the 1970s, American politicians, policy makers, and social critics have condemned the perceived "epidemic of teenage pregnancy."
“Race, ethnicity, class, and region could influence individual circumstances, with rural areas experiencing the lowest age at marriage”
“Few people worried about teen pregnancy as long as the expecting mother married before giving birth. There was strong social pressure to marry before becoming a parent, but the high number of babies born less than nine months after marriage ceremonies shows that many young couples taking their marriage vows were already expecting a child”

“Scientists have long argued that the age at which women have their first child is largely defined by environmental, cultural and educational factors”
“Although many women in western societies are having children later for career reasons there is a simultaneous increase in teenage pregnancies.”

The swinging 60s was named as the era of the permissive society. Many acts were made laws which gave women more freedom, especially the introduction of the contraceptive pill in 1961 which gave women more sexual freedom. New wave films and the introduction of programs such as Coronation Street showed the public raw portrayals and were said to be true representations of the society.

The permissive society then led to women being sexually objectified in the 1970’s, creating competition between women to be as sexy as possible to get the male attention. This is one of the most significant changes in the representation of women. Even today with lad mags being introduced in the 2000s, women have been represented as ornaments for viewing pleasures.

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